Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What a Funny Way to Start

Headed out this morning early... too early if you ask me. But Kevin was good about making sure I made it to the airport on time. I cried most of the way there and even more when I arrived at Norfolk Airport. This is the longest we've been apart in a long time, especially since we've been married. Things seemed to go pretty easy for the most part. I found my gate no problem and sat down to spend some time texting my husband and doing some research before boarding the plane.

The plane was small so we had to walk onto the tarmac to board. I found my seat and arranged my things. It was only then I realized that I didn't have my phone anymore. I emptied my briefcase... twice! Nothing. Absolute panic washed over my face and I could tell the tears were coming again. I spoke with the flight attendant  who made a phone call back to the gate. 

A couple minutes later a gentleman comes out to the plane and says he looked everywhere but he couldn't find it. He said, "If we do find it, you can pick it up when you come back through Norfolk at the security desk." Two things went through my mind - 1) I will have to buy a new phone and we don't really have another $100 to spend on a new phone; and 2) That was my safety blanket for being able to talk with my husband and in case of any emergencies. Honestly, I was mostly thinking #2. In fact, #1 was really just to make myself feel better about seeming so desperate.

In the next 10 minutes, our plane started to roll away from the gate. I sat in my seat praying something like this, "I know your grace is sufficient and that you are faithful. I can't fool you into thinking this is an issue of finances. I know it's about my control and my comfort. You can provide for the finances and you can do a miracle. You made food appear when people needed it. If this is something I need, you can make it appear in my bag when I arrive. You can help the security guards find it at the airport. I know I still need to realize that you are the only one I need. Your grace is sufficient. Your grace is sufficient. Your grace is sufficient."

My mother-in-law texted me this morning that she was praying because she knew how tough it would be to be away from Kevin. While I was praying, I kept thinking of what she had said: "Some of the best (and most challenging) ministry things have happened when Scott wasn't available. Jesus is all we really need and that's especially evident when we're away."

So I cried, and prayed, and made friends with the lovely elderly couple sitting next to me. I stared out the window as the plane rolled away from the airport. 

In the middle of the safety demonstrations, the flight attendant's phone rings. He stopped the recording talking about the air masks dropping from the ceiling, opened a door, and came down the aisle to bring me my phone. I have never seen anything like it! The other passengers were flabbergasted and frankly so was I. Those around me commented on how surprising that was. 

The flight was uneventful. I got a nap and did some reading. Mostly I just began to feel a little more secure in God's faithfulness over this upcoming trip. I think I endeared the flight attendant to me. He owns a house in Colombia and shared with me some of the must-see places.

Just about everyone I passed as I got off the plane asked, "Are you sure you have everything?" but I'm alright taking a bit of pride hit to give God a chance to prove his faithfulness.When I boarded the flight in Norfolk, I felt very very alone. Now, sitting here in the Miami airport, I'm still alone, but not alone. Not really alone. God is with me. 

But really... what a funny way to start!

I walked to my gate here at Miami with one of the gentleman sitting behind me on the Norfolk flight. He said he never in all his years of flying has ever seen anything like that! He said it was "my lucky day". My response: "God just answered my prayer, that's all." All he could say was, "Yeah, I guess He did."

PS I'm hoping all of my blog posts will have pictures attached, but since I've been crying recently, there's no picture. We're just going to pretend I look better than I do. :-)